Med tanke på att jag har en del läsare runtom i världen innebär det att mina inlägg förmodligen översätts via verktyget google translate. Det kan bli lite skevt när man använder sig av denna direkta variant av onlineöversättning. Men också väldigt roande.
Sophie visade mig hur det ser ut när hennes vänner i England läser min blogg - de måste tycka att svenskar är totally "saffron cat snag" nuts.
Sophie visade mig hur det ser ut när hennes vänner i England läser min blogg - de måste tycka att svenskar är totally "saffron cat snag" nuts.
Ur inlägget Ett magiskt Luciatåg:
Last Sunday was my friend Sophie closure and thus display of synchronized swimming as she is an avid practitioner of.
Since the end was near the thirteenth of December turned the show into a konstsimluciatåg. It was a different twist on a Lucia celebration, which was unexpectedly heartwarming, and magical. The darkened swimming pool glistened in the claws of blue torches eldgula was shining and the whole procession was that it felt as if one was involved in a heavenly ceremony amongst a secret angelic companion.
Everyone who was in the train was doggedly focused on keeping both the head and the lights above the water, and the choir sang as the sound bounced around between the walls. Just like in a church, though it was a swimming pool.
When Lucia procession had appeared ready disappeared glitter and lights and the lights were lit up for the worst of showtime. Art sims formed the fancy formations and stretched the most resilient leg muscles I have ever seen. I think indeed that they beat the ballet dancer the calves and pointy toes.
Two days later it became the thirteenth of December. Instead of saffron cat snag me a CHOKLADboll. Outside the grocery store when I was three shivering maidens with lowered heads and sang. They sang in a way so gloomily that it rather sounded like a lament. And the gray weather stomping pace by emitting whining sighs.
I had coffee the way, along with Hello Karin, who share the same star-moon-cloud-interests as me. Then when we had hugged each other Merry Christmas, and thank you for this school fall well done!, I went home and caressed the high bokhög as Sophie kindly gave it away. For her to go namely the long trip to India. There, she will probably not exercising at synchronized swimming, but maybe yoga.
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