27 november 2011

Heart Taker and Miserable

Jag hittade en text på nätet och tänkte att det kunde var trevligt att publicera den här.


Okej, det är min egen text. Som jag tänkte publicera här eftersom det var ett tag sedan som jag lade ut något i dialogform. Och en del av er vet jag också har sagt att ni gillar att läsa just dialoger. Varför den är skriven på engelska kan jag inte riktigt svara på, kanske beror det på att jag är inne i en period då jag mest läser på engelska. Och så känns det ibland mindre krystat att skriva på engelska. Språket blir liksom inte så tvunget.

Den får nog helt enkelt heta Heart Taker and Miserable.

Heart Taker You know what? I really would love to cut your heart into two pieces and use the half of it as a red boat. To drive along with it over the ocean, under thousands of twinkling stars.
Miserable Oh, that sounds so... romantic, I guess. But, what should I do with the other half of the heart?
Heart Taker Eat it of course.
Miserable You mean for dinner?
Heart Taker Yeah, sure.
Miserable But what if I don´t like it?
Heart Taker What do you mean?
Miserable I mean, I´m not so fond of hearts, especially not my own.
Heart Taker You´ll soon learn to love it.
Miserable But I´ve never eaten hearts before. How should I do?
Heart Taker Well, my advice is to not think so much. Just enjoy the warmth of it, and the rest will pop up naturally, just like the salty taste of melted butter.
Miserable Okay... If you say so, then maybe I´ll give it a try.
Heart Taker Yeah you better, coz now I´ll have the half of it, please.
Miserable You mean right now?
Heart Taker No, I mean next Thursday. C'mon, of course I mean right now. Don´t be stupid silly. Give it to me.
Miserable But I´m afraid.
Heart Taker Of what? What is there to be afraid of?
Miserable I don´t know. Maybe I´ll regret what I´ve done. And then I won´t be able to take my life back again. I think this action after all sounds a bit irrational.
Heart Taker Well, love is irrational. What did you expect?
Miserable I don´t know.
Heart Taker No, I know that you don´t know. So therefore I have to let you know. Come on. It´s just your heart, it won´t hurt.
Miserable And you?
Heart Taker What about me?
Miserable When will you come and return it back to me?
Heart Taker You mean if I ever return it back?
Miserable Huh, I didn´t think in those terms actually.
Heart Taker Honey, as soon as I take ones heart it will always be in my hands. I´m a Heart Taker you know.
Miserable Yes, I kinda start to realize that. A Heart Taker who doesn´t let the people whom´s hearts you´re taking follow you on your lovely journeys, or even so - ever have their own hearts back.
Heart Taker Yep, that´s a good sight catching your little brain rubbing thumbs. You´re getting closer.
Miserable Yes I rather am. And you know what, I´ve just changed my mind.
Heart Taker What! You can´t just change your mind out of nothing. You know you´re just like all those frightened clouds passing through heaven´s mind. And, did I also tell you it´s illegal to change minds?
Miserable What about this then? Isn´t it illegal to change hearts, to steal hearts!?
Heart Taker Oh listen to this, what a picky tone! To change hearts is an action of nonsense. But to change minds - THAT is highly irrational, ve-ry criminal. You know you can be arrested because of that.
Miserable I don´t care, my feelings wouldn´t at least get murdered by someone else stealing my heart from me.
Heart Taker But I told you´ll have the half of it. We would share it, you know.
Miserable Just sharing for charity´s sake isn´t my cup of love.
Heart Taker Look now who´s talking.
Miserable I really don´t like you.
Heart Taker Well, you told you did just a moment ago.
Miserable I know, but I didn´t know what kind of person you really are. Now I think that you´re really scaring me.
Heart Taker Or you scare yourself, you mean.
Miserable No, you scare me. I´ve never been so loss in a company like yours. 
Heart Taker That´s because I´m a Heart Taker. We all are sooner or later going to take someone else´s heart. So even you.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Jättekul dialog, jag gillart! Bra vändning också, heja miserable! :) Att ge sitt hjärta till nån är väl en sak, men om denne någon vill göra en båt av det är det nog klokt att få kalla fötter...


  2. Instämmer i gillandet!
